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FilkNet maintains a private chat instanace for the filk community, brought to you by Rob Wynne and Mike Whitaker. Please let other filkers know about this service, and enjoy it.

This service is intended to provide a similar service to the filk community as the #FilkHaven room at TalkCity, and later the private IRC server which replaced it. Thanks to Debbie Ridpath Ohi for originally conceiving of a filkers space in IRC.

In 2017, #filkhaven was relocated to Discord, in order to provide a better chat experience on multiple platforms.

In order to connect for the first time, you will need to use this invite link., or just click on the button below. If you do not have a Discord account, you can create one at this time. If you already have a discord account, simply log in and accept the invitation to join FilkHaven.

Discord can be accessed directly through your web browser, or you can download a client for your desktop or mobile phone/tablet.

Once you have connected the first time, you only need to return to the main Discord web page, or use the downloaded client, to login. It will remember your affiliation to the FilkHaven channel.

Mike Whitaker
Last modified: Tue Oct 17 15:36:12 GMT 2000